Two bulls and a heifer sold well at the H & H May on-line bull sale

Seize-the-Day was top priced Hereford bull, a stout & long bull goes north to the Scottish borders together with our maiden heifer pictured above.
Status Quo & Sultan sell at Carlisle Autumn Sale
Our offering of two bulls met with good bidding and sold into commercial beef herds in Cumbria & Perthshire. We achieved top price. No show was held.

Santana SOLD...
Santana is an ET son of Tortuga, SOLD privately. More info in the new year!

New to the market- TOMAHAWK for sale:-

This is our first son by International Show Star and also great functional herd sire, Coley 1 Pilot. Out of a sturdy, good uddered cow, a Dawn by CCR Stamina. Tomahawk is HOMOZYGOUS POLLED